California — Single Tax Brackets
Tax Bracket | Tax Rate |
$0.00+ | 1% |
$10,412.00+ | 2% |
$24,684.00+ | 4% |
$38,959.00+ | 6% |
$54,081.00+ | 8% |
$68,350.00+ | 9.3% |
$349,137.00+ | 10.3% |
$418,961.00+ | 11.3% |
$698,271.00+ | 12.3% |
$1,000,000.00+ | 13.3% |
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File Now with TurboTaxWhat is the Single Income Tax Filing Type?
Single is the filing type used by all individual taxpayers who are not legally married, and who have no dependants for whom they are monetarily responsible. Every state with an income tax as well as the IRS support the Single filing status.
Single tax brackets generally result in higher taxes when compared with taxpayers with the same income filing as Married Filing Jointly or Head of Household. This is because the Single filing type does not enjoy the tax benefits associated with joint filing or having dependants.
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